7 Reads We Recommend

Image via Flickr by Thilo M.
Image via Flickr by Thilo M.

1.  “Power Play” by Jennifer Jean in Waxwing

The last two lines seal the piece for me, hitting me in the gut. The Biblical references intermixed with sex are raw and guttural. Add in the hint of a feminist message lingering in the flow of the snake’s language, and you’ve got just about a perfect poem.  ~Emily Ramser, Editorial Assistant

2.  “There is a Garden in Her Face” by Susan Woodring in Story South

This is such a luscious and intriguing piece by one of our fabulous columnists. Susan’s grasp of portraying immediacy in her storytelling is on full display here. You’re there, in Yuri’s world, yearning, and learning the lessons of life, and love, immersed in a neighborhood formed in the shadow of an old textile mill. ~ Laurel Dowswell, Features Editor

3.  “Elegy: Frances Woodman or, Early Work” by Denise Jarrott in Pith 

Denise Jarrott knows how to play with form and the page. The way the words flow across the page, consuming the white space, is a visual representation of the images Denise describes in the poem, creating an intriguing parallel that draws the reader in even further into the piece. It is, in fact, so absorbing that the last line leaves you feeling almost breathless, as if you forgot to breathe the entire time you were reading. ~Emily Ramser, Editorial Assistant

4.  “I Haven’t Always Been the Walt Whitman Service Area on the New Jersey Turnpike” by Rob Roensch in Grist Journal

A service station, humanized– at once aware, but not quite. Until, it gets an unusual visitor. An extraordinary piece. “What point is awareness if all you are aware of is an endless cycle of ordinary days, the repetition of human motions and language, and your own decay?” ~ Laurel Dowswell, Features Editor

5.  “Blood on the Leaves” by Amanda Faye in Poetry WTF?!

Cut-ups are one thing, but cut-ups made of an interview with Kayne West are something completely different. When browsing the world of internet journals, this was not something I was expecting to come across, but I am so happy I did. Amanda Faye pushes limits with “Blood on the Leaves.” The images she creates are intriguing and the overall message of the piece makes it hard to not reread a thousand times over. ~ Emily Ramser, Editorial Assistant

6.  “Mapping His Body” by Emily Schulten in The Cossack Review

A sensual poem of exploration, and hope. Gorgeous and delicate rhythm and rhyme. ~ Laurel Dowswell, Features Editor

7.  “Pool Boy” by Ann Hamilton in Hollywood Dementia

Horror short fiction is hard to do well; however, Hamilton manages to succeed in tackling the difficult genre. The language is light and playful, while carrying darker undertones that make you question yourself, the characters, and society the entire time. Let’s just say, I’m glad it is getting to be winter, and there are no opportunities to go swimming because I don’t think I’m going to be able to get in a pool for a while. ~Emily Ramser, Editorial Assistant

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