“#83” by Nicole Farmer

I can see them so clearly, those tiny perfect feet
slender with high arches and toes that gripped the earth
in some strange miracle of double-jointed wonder-
crinkle toes I called them, the feet I adored, 
coveted - pedestal to the beautiful, enigmatic 
daydreamer of a doe, my mother. Still the proud
owner of those magical hooves made for dancing, 
now head in the clouds dementia that travels down to 
her base, causing an unstable wobble of delicate
bones and muscle that are shrinking, dying, crumbling
daily. Still this eighty-one-pound dynamo marches 
down the street with rapid fire forward motion, arms 
akimbo, weaving like a noon-day drunk, whistling like
a sailor and winking at me as if she knows the secret. 

Nicole Farmer is a teacher living in Asheville, NC. Her poems have been published in The Closed Eye Open, Quiltkeepers Press, Capsule Stories, The Sheepshead Review, Roadrunner Review, Wild Roof Journal, Bacopa Literary Review, The Great Smokies Review, Kakalak Review, 86 Logic, Wingless Dreamer, and others. Her play 50 JOBS was produced in Los Angeles. Nicole has been awarded the First Prize in Prose Poetry from the Bacopa Literary Review, which will appear in Sept. 2021. Way back in the 90’s she graduated from The Juilliard School of Drama. You can find her dancing barefoot in her driveway on the full moon at midnight.